Thursday, October 29, 2009

Up and Running !!!

Good Am to all!
Sorry, we haven't posted any thing new.....our computer hasn't been working and Master Alexsei has kept both Mama Leith and Papa Dave very busy. WE will be posting new pix very soon.
The Kinney household has been settling in their new LIFE....we are doing well and Master Alexsei is the JOY OF OUR LIFE!!! He is a VERY HAPPY boy and loves his new parents and home and his new friends!!!! Alexsei has had his 1st trip to the doctors office...Dr. Lepore to have his ears checked out...YUP...has a an ear infection and NOW on US meds and feeling better everyday. Teething is still an issue and will be a quiet a while.....every thing is the mouth!!! Love to eat any kind of paper! Watch out!!! Alexsei also has been a BIG BOY and is loving EATING meals and snacks...mainly made by Mama . Mama loves her baby food mill!!! If we don't feed him ASAP he gets really mad!!!!! Alexsei has also taken to sleep in his sisters bassinet which is very cozy and we will address this matter when the time comes. Til then..Happy bed ....Happy baby!!!!
Halloween is coming upon us here on Nantucket. Alexsei will be a FROG and his Papa will walk down town to see all the kids and parents dressed up. We are hoping he will enjoy this event.
Mama Leith is hoping for some candy too. Our house will be open to visitors...little friends for some TREATS and NO TRICKS this year. Should be a fun time by all!!!
We would like to Thank ALL our kind dear friends that have dropped off meals, gifts and cards to our new family. It is amazing the LOVE and KINDNESS y'all share ...'s time...the baby moniter doesn't crying....night feeding.
Stay posted.
Love from Nantucket!!!!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Sounds like you've hit the ground running! Isn't is wonderful?

Have fun :)
