What a great day we all had today!
The little guy was feeling so much better...back to him self again.
A good night sleep is a magical thing!
We have lucked out again on the weather. There was more life today @ the Baby house
with bigger kids playing outside and the little tiny babies (under 6 months ) outside too in the buggys wrapped up tight napping w/ bug nets protecting them from the bugs. The bugs are every where...flying around eating sweet young skin.
Dave and I continued with the schedule, morning breakfast, 2nd layer of clothing and hat.
The little guy just loves to watch the trees moves and touch the leaves.
I became friendly with one of the lady cooks ....she was carrying a big bowl of fresh cabbage and we made a foodie connection. Before you knew it..I was in the kitchen taking a tour and smelling ALL of the wonderful home made fresh food for the children and staff. I wish I could eat there too. Apple broth, chicken soup, minced ground meat ( for babies) , a big pot of beautifully smooth and Velvet mashed potatoes, and of course a colorful salad of diced up finely
tomatoes, cabbage, and cucumber ( puree for 12 months and up).
We received good news from our state side DR. that the little guy is good health for a baby that is under care @ the Baby house. This makes us very happy!
Valentina took us today after our visit.. to the Kazakhstan gift shop. What a wonderful place to see all things Kazak. The traditional dresses, hats and outfits are very colorful and beautiful.
We are truly enjoying our time here in KZ. I am taking it easy in the afternoons...napping and just veggingand of course eatting ice cream! Dave is reading, napping and using the fitness room here @ the Hotel.
Hope all is well on the island and everyone is still enjoying the last days of summer.
Hi, is your little man in Baby Room Number 2? If so, I'd love to visit. I'd like to send a message to the caregivers there, if possible. Many thanks, Susan
good morning,
so nice to hear Alexsei is feeling better! Your description of the kitchen sounds great. the compound looks lovely. glad you are getting rest and dave is getting exercise. when can you take pics of Alexsei? we can not wait to see him!
much love to you all!
OMG--so glad I checked in---great updates on your blog and it is bringing back wonderful memories for us! Can't wait to sneak a peak at Mr Baby Kinney soon! Yippee! I am so excited for you all
Hi Leith and David,
Brian has been following your blog daily since you left. We are so happy for you. I love your pictures and food descriptions. Glad the little one is so charming!
Carol Luyrink had another boy.
All the best,
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