Monday, August 24, 2009

Leg one down!

Guten Morgen to all! Good morning!

Dave and I made safely to Frankfurt, Germany! A great ride on the plane....we were upgraded to business which made a HUGE differance. I guess my belly helps!
We have enjoyed the airport hotel ...just steps away from the airport and only have been relaxing..sleeping and eatting. Love those Nurenburg sauages w/ kaut!
Off to breakfast and then Leg #2 will begin today...Frankfurt to Astana 5.5 hour flight w/ a sleepover @ the airport hotel in the capital of our little ones counrty. On tuesday will be our final Leg #3 to Petropavlosvk.

Alles ist gutes and bis nextes mal.
All is well and till next time.

The proud parents to-be. xoxo


Baby Kaz Moore said...

I hope all is well in Petro! Sending you good wishes from Austin.

Laura said...

Great to hear you are comfortable and happy! I can not wait to hear about your first meeting with the babe!!!